Thursday, May 4, 2023

OT's Arts Spring Cleaning Trivia Event


I, OTelia, am having a SPRING CLEANING TRIVIA EVENT on my Mall Sim for 3 reasons. 

1) To bring well needed traffic to my beautiful sim.

2) To make room for new upcoming inventory.

3) To share my creations, skills, and interests to all that like to explore new sims and for those who would like to get to know me better.

The event is currently running now, and it will stay available until June 23, 2023.

Those that participate will have 4 chances to win. 

                    WIN, WIN, WIN, WIN

All you have to do is the following:

  • Buy in to the board that looks like the board above that is displayed on both end of my sim


You just need to buy into one board.


  • Get 2 Notecards: Instruction Sheet and Trivia Sheet

             My Contact info is also in the Instruction Sheet.

  • Answer only 20 questions that is relevant to my sim.

  • Return Your Answers Sheet in a timely manner and get your prize or prizes.

You can win the following:

(Clothes, Images, Decor, certain Breedable pets, and Buildables bots)

and hopefully a fun and pleasant time on my sim.

The trivia event is open 24/7 but due to real life demands, I will only be online on Mondays and Fridays during the event to check for participation and to give out prizes.

So come on down and participate. This is a WIN, WIN Situation for all.

Until then, Hugs and have a great SL Time.