Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Photos, Image Creation and Products

I have always been a creative person, since the day I knew how to walk. My creative nature first started with the written word and musical instrument, the saxophone, in my youth, but over the years it has grown into other creative areas. My focus in this post is to shine the light on my creativity toward my photos and images. 

When I first started with exploring and playing around with image creations, I was using Gimp to showcase my images on my SecondLife marketplace and Sim, OTs Arts. My desire to share my creative side of my nature grew, that I started looking for places outside of SecondLife to share with others. I discovered a website that started with the letter "R," during the time when people were disputing about intellectual property and rights on the internet. Being so new to the internet world too and being so excited to share my photos and images, I focused all my attention on the "R" product website. I was even starting to make a little money, and that got my blood flowing too.  Then all of a sudden, the "R" website started sending my emails about red flags and problems with my account. Still new to the whole thing, I try my best to comply with the company's rules and suggestions until my account was pretty much scrubbed bare. When my account still continued to be under restrictions, and still confused of the reason, I reached out multiple times for guidance and assistance. All I got for reaching out was a very rude message of not making another account with them and in seconds my site was permanently deleted with no further or useful information as to why my site got deleted.

Since then, I have been nursing my creative wounds and self-esteem. I pretty much felt defeated and deflated for several years. But I never stopped taking pictures or tiptoeing into the Gimp program to make unique images. With the only outlet to showcase my creativity and images, I continue to use Secondlife. After a while, I realize I have a huge problem, I have all these images and photos on my computer and have no good place to showcase and not get pirated myself. So, in the year of 2020, I started looking for a website that encourage creative people to showcase their art and be able to sell it as well.  Learning my lesson from putting all my eggs in one location and failed, I decided to join 3 new websites. The three new dropshipping websites I joined are: Society6, Zazzle, and Artsadd. Between all 3 of these sites, I have over 100 image designs on over 1,000 products for others to browse and enjoy. Check below for each dropshipping website and see for yourself what I have to offer.


Example of my Society6 designer page.

Example of my Society6 product page.


Example of my Zazzle product page


Example of my Artsadd product page.

And please check back often, because I still have over 1000 images still stuck on my computer just waiting to be uploaded for others to enjoy. I am certain between these 3 sites you will find the perfect gift or item to give to a special person or celebrate a special occasion, or event. Another added bonus, 2 out of the 3 listed sites you can even customize the image of the product you like. So, you can add your own unique twist to my creation to make it more personal and unique to you. So happy browsing.

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